Where are they now?
Identifies collections of tens and ones to 50 without counting
Where to next?
Recognises multiple collections of 20 without counting (e.g. 3 threes, 1 six and 1 five)
When students associate mental images of dot patterns or collections of objects with numbers (either stated orally or written), they are more likely to understand that maths is about quantities and not just memorising word patterns.
Activities and Assessments (designed to move students from step 6 to step 7)
Double Ten Frame Addition
Focus: Students develop stragegies through the use of a visual and concrete model for rapidly adding two single digit numbers to a total of up to 20
How: The game is played with teams of two versing one another (four players in total). Each player in a team spins a spinner and then fills a blank ten frame with a corresponding number of counters. The two members of the team then place their ten frames side by side and move counters off one onto the other in order to make 10. In this way they determine the total of the the two frames. Once they have determined the total, they place a counter of their team colour onto a common game board. The first team to get three numbers in a row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) wins.
Subitising Flash Cards
Focus: Students become proficient at quickly determining (subitising) the total of up to four groups for collections up to 20
How: The teacher or group leader flashes (displays for about 2 seconds) a card from a set to the class or group. The first student to call out the total receives the card. The sucessful student then explains how he/she determined the total. The student with the most cards once the set has been used is the winner.
References to Other Resources