Where are they now?
Uses language to compare two small collections (e.g. big, bigger, biggest, more than, less than ..)
Where to next?
Reads numerals to 10
Compares and orders collectionsto 10
Purpose: Understanding about the size of numbers, and how this relates to their order and their ‘distance’ from other numbers, gives students the ability to work with numbers more meaningfully and helps students to build skills such as estimation.
Activities and Assessments (designed to move students from step 1 to step 2)
Bigger, Smaller, Same as – Dot Cards to 10 (Video Example)
Adapted from ‘More, Fewer or the Same?’, Developing Efficient Numeracy Strategies Stage 1 page 47. NSW Department of Education and Training, Professional Support and Curriculum Directorate 2003
Focus: In this activity, children directly compare the size of collections. As they are using cards with different sized collections of dots printed on them, any problems with reading or understanding written numbers are avoided. This activity helps students to learn the idea and language around the comparative size of numbers.
Dot Card / Numeral Card Memory
Focus: Identifying numerals and matching them wih collections, building the idea that numbers are not just about order, but about quantity.
How: Designed to give students practice in reading numerals and relating them to collections, this game is played in a similar manner to Ten Frames Memory. Two sets of numeral cards (either 1 – 5 or 1 – 10) are mixed together and spread out face down on a table. Two sets of dot pattern cards (either 1 – 5 or 1 – 10) are also mixed and spread out face down close to, but separate from, the numeral cards. Students take turns to firstly flip one numeral card and then flip one dot card. If they find a matched pair they keep the cards, otherwise they turn them back over to their original position. The student with the most pairs of cards when all of the numeral cards have been taken is the winner.
Sequencing Dot Cards to 10 (Video Example)
Focus: Understanding that a number count is based on the idea of a sequence of collections, where each subsequent collection has one more element than the one before. Building understanding of the language; ‘one more’ and ‘one less’, and ‘before’ and ‘after’ in terms of a consecutive number sequence.
How: See Video Example
Questions to ask students during this activity: “How many dots are there on that card?”, “Can you find a card with one more dot that?”, “How many dots will be on the next card?”, “Can you count them?”, “Which card should go before this one?”, “Which card should go after this one?”
Assessment – What my number looks like
An appropriate number (for the stage of the student) is written in the centre of the sheet – the student then must try to make the number in a number of different ways (as indicated on the sheet.)
References to Other Resources