Where are they now?
Matches collections, number names and symbols for some numbers in the range 1 to 1
Where to next?
Makes, models, names and records collections to 10
While at the single digit stage matching numerals to collections may seem to be just a memory exercise, students will not progress even at this level unless they are encouraged to build an understanding that numbers are about ‘amount’ orquantity – that they are not just about counting sequence. This idea of quantity is what makes mathematics different to other subjects. When learning reading, knowing a sequence of letters that makes a word is of little use unless the meaning of the word is also understood. So too with mathematics, just stating the name of a number symbol is of little use unless there is an understanding of the quantityindicated by the number. WIth higher numbers, this ability requires a broad understanding of all aspects of whole number including an understanding of the base10 system and place value, counting, magnitude and location.
Activities and Assessments (designed to move students from step 2 to step 3)
Junkbox Inventory
Focus: Recording the number of items in different collections. Students need to correctly identify the number of items in each collections through a count, and then correctly write the corresponding numeral to record the number of items.
References to Other Resources